3D designer

mPS Incremental Save

version 1.0
Auto Incremental Backup when Save





※ デフォルトではファイル5つまでになっていますが、メモ帳で好きなインクリメンタル保存の数を設定出来ます。


・Js ファイルと vbs ファイルを フォトショップフォルダ内の プリセット¥スクリプト
・Js ファイルをメモ帳で開いて、フォトショップフォルダのパスを入れかえる
・フォトショップのファイルメニューのスクリプトの スクリプトイベントマネージャ を開いて、
Js スクリプト(mPSIncrementaSave)を選択して。入ってなかったら、参照で探して選んでください。


What it does

If the file is a PSD (or psd) and it has been saved at least once (exists in the hard disk), then:
Let's say we have a file named [file.psd] opened in Photoshop. When the script is runned it:
Creates a [PSDBackup] folder in the opened file Path and a [file] folder inside this [PSDBackup]
Inside this folder saves the file as a copy (file_001)
if the file file_001 exists, save a copy as file_002, and loops till file_005 and keeping the active document name intact without numbers (file).
When file_005 has been reached it rewrites the last saved file +1 (in this case file_001) and loops.

You can increase or deacrease the maxfiles settings by opening the vbs with a notepad.

Install Instructions

- Save the JS and VBS file into your Photoshop Folder \ Presets \ Scripts
- Open the JS file with notepad and change the Path with your Photoshop Folder Path.
- In Photoshop, go to File Menu, Scripts and open the Script Events Manager
- Add mPSIncrementalSave, Select the event Save Document, Add it, Done.

Now when you save your document, it will automatically save a backup copy.


If you are working with a big file or your hard disk is somewhat slow, the save time will be doubled and if you try to do something while it's saving you may have a debug error. Cancel it. Most of the time it won't affect anything, but sometimes Photoshop may get a little unstable.

I will fix this as soon as I have any solution for this.

inserted by FC2 system